Universal Medicine global incursions, civic agitations & gossip November 2017


Esoteric ‘healing’. The hands go where they’re in truth guided. From $70

3 December – quick legal update

30 November 2017 – *Esoteric healing – stick your hands where you feel to

*Norfolk Councillor Samantha England – Unimed Living meets local government in the UK

23 November – *UM’s GLOBAL contagion *Small town frictions – Ballina DA shenanigans, Lismore, Frome etc.

3 December – quick legal rundown

I’ll post in more detail next week, but in NSW we’re awaiting a listing date to argue for new court orders for Serge to discover documents relevant to the allegations in the proceedings, and to answer interrogatories.

I’m not satisfied with his discovery – 9 months now since we were given the original orders. This is the bloke who pays for a private email server and then deletes all his emails relevant to the running of his business.

In Queensland, Raphael & Karam have called a costs enforcement hearing for Tuesday, trying to get money out of me for the costs order from the February hearing. Never mind that I have no money and no assets, and I’ve already provided them with a sworn statement to that effect and documents showing it. And never mind that they now have to pay me ‘costs thrown away’ for their recent amendment to their claim. Seems Team UM just don’t want to believe the facts. The Lords of Form are a thing, but that I could be flat broke two years into two defamation claims and after nearly four years of them trying to put me out of business –  they’re skeptics.

Queens Counsel will appear with me. It’s at District Court Brisbane before registrar.  I’ll post in more detail next week.

30 November – Norfolk Council’s Esoteric ‘well-being’ advocate

So last week I posted about UMers’ compulsion since last year to run for local government seats, and how none of them could cut it to save their lives. (If you think questions are ‘abuse’, how will you cope? Etcetera.) But, never mind that, I spoke too soon.

The No Fun Allowed We’re Esoteric party won its first seat last year. On Sprowston Town Council Norwich, Norfolk UK.

Councillor Samantha Chater-England’s Facebook page is a veritable festival of Unimed Living, Spherical Living and other UM nonsense and anti cyber-bullying hysteria. If I remember correctly, Sam’s one of UM’s oh so liberal and moderate zealots who’ve publicly stated I should be jailed.

In her professional life she dishes all sorts of advice about health and social care, and is one of UM’s model devotees who fills their waking hours with slog – volunteering to sit on any committee that glances at them. There’s no time for comfort for UM’s ‘well-being’ extremists.

She gives an account of her great works on the Esoteric Practitioners Association website, where she has a listing as an Esoteric healer as well.

And look, good luck to her if she genuinely wants to help out in the community etc. But plugging UM helps no one but UM. Is she going to use the local government platform to push a misleadingly marketed, habit forming occult religion?


Samantha Englad Community in Connection


Most of the crew in the pic can be found gracing the pages of the EPA practitioner directory.

“I offer Esoteric Modalities at two local womens’ refuge centres and have recently started working with refugee families on a voluntary basis. I am involved in schools through the YMCA on their youth mental health program, the Arthritis Society, Community IN Connection and The Magdalene Project, which aims to offer support and guidance to sex workers.”… 

Beverley Bulmer and Michael Chater presented on Community in Connection who held three events over the year, with the support and guidance of the EPA, and is now an official unaffiliated organisation with a formal constitution based upon the EPA Code of Ethics. EPA Newsletter 

Great. Another ‘official’ organisation that’s not officially recognised. Just like the fraud EPA. We’ve been there before. Plus, a little birdie tells me Michael Chater, Samantha’s temporal husband, runs an aged care facility.

How convenient.

So what does Council think of Esoteric exorcism services, Sam?

Esoteric touch ups

From the Sydney ‘practitioner’ responsible for the photo at the top of the page, here’s another.


‘Sacred Esoteric Healing’

For now I’ve opted to blur her head, but I’m in two minds about outing this person. If you have an opinion on it, put it in the comments.

That hand position isn’t Esoteric Breast Massage, it’s ‘Sacred Esoteric Healing’. The course, run by UM, is open to anyone who feels to sign up –  including all those pucker faced mouth breathers that hang around the Girl to Woman Festival and sing hymns to The One. UMers take their kids to these things. UM sells this exploitation by denying basic anatomy and insisting their full subscription Sons of God never grope anyone. The same bunch defend the laying of hands on the pubic areas of abuse victims to clear the ‘energy’ of rape.

Anything goes in the UM compound because ‘being sexy…it’s not about sex’. You can touch up whoever you like as long as you tell everyone God is guiding your hands and you can fool the targets into ‘consent’.


Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 Manual p.33

Permission and a level of trust must be granted…at no time must inappropriate contact be made with the breasts...’

That’s UM speak for ‘give a bullshit reason and you can justify anything’ and ‘besides we’ve got lawyers who are in on it. And money. So don’t think about taking us on’.


‘Trust me, I’m Esoteric’

Trump at least was honest when he said ‘you can do what ever you want, you can grab ’em by the pussy’.

Universal Medicine calls it ‘healing’.

To that practitioner, please, feel free to make contact, or join us in the comments. I have questions for you. We know UM loves those ‘consent‘ forms, and I assume the person on your table is a consenting adult who filled one out. So:

Is that technique ‘esoteric healing’?

How much do you charge per session?

What formal therapy qualifications do you have?

How did you go about getting informed consent to put your hands on that person like that? 

What did you tell the client about what she could expect from the session? 

Did you inform the client that ‘esoteric healing’ entails putting a blindfold on them and then touching their breasts?

Did the client consent to you doing exactly that?

What conditions does that treat and what evidence do you have that performing the technique benefits those conditions? 

A question for the Brides of Serge – do you approve of what’s being done in that photograph by an Esoteric Practitioners Association ‘accredited’ member?

Now picture the head of the person in the photo belongs to one of the shriveled creeps – male or female – that lurk around Esoteric workshops wanting to touch people and thinking they’re full of the light of the soul.

And then they charge for it.

November 23 – let’s keep this going – get this job done

I know you love reading, you can’t wait for the latest instalment on UM’s endless intrigues and you all want to see that lot exposed and brought to account etc. But it can’t happen without your continued support.

I’ll post a defence update soon but Benhayon continues to delay and resist disclosing documents relevant to allegations in issue in his defamation claim. A month ago I sent Serge our court submission for orders and sought a reply within 14 days. It took Paula Fletcher 26 days to write a seven page letter summarizing the objections Serge had drip fed us over six months. Team UM insisted on being allowed extra time. It appears they couldn’t possibly manage to repeat themselves in anything less. We’re awaiting a hearing date, but it looks like we won’t get one until February thanks to that nonsense.

I won’t accept stalling again. Team UM’s conduct will be brought to the notice of the court in both states.

In the meantime, there’s more exposure to come. I’m preparing stuff which is long overdue for a dose of daylight. There’s some work involved. More work. But it’ll be worth it. You’ll see.

This has been five years of hard labour for me, and Serge is under more pressure than he’s ever been. Our communities are better informed about UM and its expansion because of me. Please give back and help me get to trial. I’m not paying lawyers. They are deferring their fees for the plaintiffs to pay at the end. I need continued assistance to pay my expenses – to keep me from homelessness.

If you want to keep reading, please donate. 

23 November –  the Jersey luggage drop

Universal Medicine continues to conquer the GLOBE with the cash raking circus currently in the UK shovelling dosh into their Paklites for a sojourn in Jersey or some other Atlantic Paradise before they head back to Goon-Audi-bah.

The last outing from the World Renowned Philosopher at Frome’s £2m seasonal Esoteric Church was (Sanat Kumara save us all) a marathon FOUR DAY diatribe called Esoteric Numerology £470 ($820 AUD) a throw.

Screen Shot 2017-11-22 at 5.06.04 pm.png  The customers who came out of THAT with any rational faculties intact still have the chance to fork out for a day’s haranguing on the SCIENCE of spiritual groups £75 ($130 AUD) – this weekendto REALLY cook their synapses.

Meanwhile in Oktober, Queen Bee Natalie, of the no qualifications whatsoever, appeared in Germany to emanate some 40% lycra Livingness at the undiscriminating burghers of Köln, €55 – €70 to sit through a day of that, or €120 for the incurable Esos who booked two.

Her nibs also advertised her amazing Esoteric healing services at the clinic of Alex Braun: Chakra-puncture, Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy, Esoteric Healing. Not that you need a licence to practice healing in Germany or anything. That only applies to mortals. Ascended Madmoiselles of the Goonellabah Hierarchy are exempt apparently.

Screen Shot 2017-11-22 at 9.37.16 pm.png

Plus special Ovary Readings, sorry, Massages. UM doesn’t have modality called Ovary Reading.  Alison Greig says so. Natalie just reads ovaries and calls it ‘massage’. €75 ($116 AUD) for an hour.

Screen Shot 2017-11-22 at 9.37.37 pm.png

Mein Gott

Forgive me. We shouldn’t begrudge the Benhayons their supernatural abilities to charge. They clearly NEED the money. They have $10m+ in properties to service between them,  a clutch of trust funds to stuff, and wall safes that aren’t anywhere near bursting. Yet.

37 Convery’s Lane Wollongbar – Esoteric Development application

In 2011 Serge purchased a cold storage warehouse at Wollongbar for $2.3m. Around the same time he founded the College of Universal Medicine charity, and appointed himself Chairman of the Board. For life. The charity then set about raising tax exempt funds to renovate the property, with a plan to eventually buy it from him. In 2012 a journalist asked Serge some questions about that arrangement, and a few other items in the charity constitution and whoops, Serge chucked his Chairmanship, and appointed his barrister Charles Wilson and a few others to take his place.

All went swimmingly until I made a complaint to the ACNC Charities Commission, and suddenly the plans to use charity money to improve a private property vanished. The building never became the College building. It’s barely used for the College’s activities. The plan to renovate the building went ahead though – for use by Universal Medicine’s commercial tentacles. Around the time the ACNC was investigating, Judith McIntyre changed her will to leave the majority of her estate to Serge rather than the charity, and gave him an $800k gift a month before she died.


37 Converys Lane when it was a nut processing factory

Two years ago the College had its Deductible Gift Recipient endorsement revoked by the ATO because it was not eligible for that tax exemption. It didn’t meet the tax office’s eligibility criteria – by the board’s own public admission.

Nevertheless, as I blogged a few months ago, in 2012, UM got a temporary permit to allow a maximum capacity of 235 ‘students’ to occupy the building at 37 Converys Lane Wollongbar at any one time. The permit expired in 2015, limiting the numbers at their Converys Lane events to 100. Earlier this year they reapplied for the permit

From the Council meeting agenda:

To Permit Increased Student Numbers (from 100 to 235 students) on a Permanent Basis for an Approved Educational Establishment

The application was refused by Council vote due to traffic concerns. Council found that increasing the numbers was not in the public interest.

UM have since carpooled to the best of their innermosts, so that less Audis run people off the Lane or wipe out other motorists at the nearby intersection. And lo and behold, probably sooner than I thought they would dare, UM resubmitted that same development application for another crack at it. And look, I could understand them misrepresenting the building once. Misrepresentation is an Esoteric staple, and an aggressive one at that. But they’ve done it again. Applied to increase ‘student numbers’ for ‘an approved educational establishment’.

What they mean is permitting increased customer numbers for a function venue. It’s a user pays Church. It never was an educational establishment. Never will be. It’s a venue for UM’s commercial Livingness events, concerts, balls and promos.

It’s hired occasionally by the College for courses like the ‘Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom’ – a monotonous diatribe of pseudo-history channelled through Professor Bill Foley that culminates in Sergio the ex tennis coach revealed as the latest avatar of the sixth dimensional Ascended Masters.


It’s not even used for UM’s bogus practitioner training, which is not a legitimate educational activity either.

So I emailed a few questions for Ballina Council to consider. If it’s an approved educational establishment, what legitimate educational activities are undertaken there? Approved by whom?

What I didn’t get around to asking is what Council might do about UM’s Esoteric representations on the use of the property?

Which brings us to Sergio’s latest innovative use of Converys Lane to rake cash. For years he’s tried to expand his product range. He has to. He doesn’t have enough money and consumers are weary of throwing their hard earned into the swirling black hole UM calls Esoteric practitioner training. Problem is his imagination is no match for his aspirations. Voila, the latest Eso-service – strictly for the worshippers.

Indoor walking $30

Join a group of people you can’t get rid of to walk anti-clockwise around a conference room feeling into one’s body with a bloke who never tells anyone what to do. $30 a session.

Don’t all book at once.

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  Screen Shot 2017-11-22 at 10.49.02 pm.png


Off the Esos go – just halve the speed and delete the open air

More civic eccentricities

Meanwhile the Esoteric Breast Massage pluggers continue to get on everyone’s tits. It’s not like they’re not aware of their vast unpopularity. They are. They never stop bitching about it. But they obstinately refuse to address the cause of it – their own behaviour. They just keep doing the same thing over and over. How many public institutions and community groups can their ‘well-being’ experts get thrown out of before they get the hint?

But no. They’re abusing us all by not sharing their truth.

That’s what they tell each other.

On they push. So now the College of UM is boring targets senseless in Gold Coast public libraries. UM’s volunteer sales battalion is elbowing its way into P & C committees at local schools, and Girl to Woman Festival love bombers are going after kids at local markets in the Northern Rivers. Do they disclose their agenda is strictly marketing their premium priced hands-on religious habit? Do they mention the public controversies around their ‘community’, including the local and national news reports of bullying organized by their in house ‘role models’?

It never stops. Simone Benhayon has found herself roles as a school governor at two schools around Frome. Familiar floggers of everything Serge now populate the boards of Chambers of Commerce in Lismore, Byron Bay and Frome as well.

And then there’s the local government tilts, with Sally Green’s recent failed attempt to get elected to a local council in Perth and our roving candidate who missed out on a council seat and now state preselection as well. Never mind. The next to have a crack is Jane Keep for the North Richmond Esoterics, sorry Conservatives.

Why do they keep pushing like this?

Recruitment. Recruitment. Recruitment. Expressing UM’s One Unified Truth®. And they know that getting in with business and local government – forming commercial and political relationships – is the way to increase their influence, open more doors. For more recruitment.

UM are all smiles and besties as long as they get what they want, but ask them a legitimate question about topics so controversial as their own probity and accountability and you’re hit with legal threats and accusations of ‘abuse’. It’s a pity none of them have been elected to public office. They think a nobody blogger is tough on them. Imagine any of them coping with rate and taxpayers, other politicians, and the press.

79 Comments on “Universal Medicine global incursions, civic agitations & gossip November 2017”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Gail Fuller is on both Byron Bay and Lismore chambers of commerce? What is her agenda?

    • Serge's Lexi-con says:

      World domination.

    • Esther says:

      Did you notice Gail has copy pasted her bio from the Byron Chamber site into the Lismore Chamber site – including the words: ‘Gail has been a resident of the shire for 20 years.’

      Which shire Gail? Byron Shire isn’t it? Or did you live in two at the same time?

      And Lismore isn’t part of a shire. It’s an LGA. One would think an aspiring politician would at least get the basic facts right.

      UM all over.

      • Anonymous says:

        Which statement by Gail Fuller J.P. is false?

        Byron Bay, “Gail has been a resident of the shire for 20 years.” https://byronbaychamber.com.au/about-the-chamber/board-member-profiles/

        Lismore, “Gail has been a resident of the shire for 23 years” https://lismorechamber.com.au/about-lcci/board-profiles/

        • boris66 says:

          Maybe she lived in one for 20 & the other for 23……..

        • Territory is so temporal says:

          It’s like the 40 Esoteric lynch mob members who put their names to acupuncturebyronbay.com saying I wasn’t welcome in Byron Bay. Just about all of them live in GoonAudibah – most had never lived in Byron Bay.

          How Astral of you. Territory is so temporal – except when it comes to buying and selling slices of it.

        • Serge's Lexi-con says:

          Bending the truth goes with the territory with these guys. At one stage Deborah Benhayon was on Byron Bay Chamber of Commerce with the assertion she was a local business woman.

          They’re following the playbook. Infiltrate and Influence.

        • Esoteric territory markers says:

          Debby, the UM CFO, was replaced on Byron Chamber’s exec with UM employee and G’bah resident Desiree Delaloye. Got to keep that presence up.

          Like when dogs mark their territory by pissing on things – that’s UM sticking a body on every committee in the region.

      • boris66 says:


        I didn’t realise we had 3 UMers in the Lismore Business Chamber.
        Do you need to operate a business in the LGA to be eligible?

        These guys certainly do form clusters.

        Check your neighbourhood folks.

      • Anonymous says:

        Surely there are rules about this type of shit.

        • Esther says:

          Rules? UM? Nah, as long as they avoid dairy and gluten, or pretend to, and praise Serge, they can do whatever they want if it means flogging their ‘truth’.

          Put in a fraudulent DA with local council… and to hell with the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules as well, hey Paula? Court orders? Fuck em. Legal processes, accountability processes – the Sons of God are whole dimensions above those.

          Wait til you see what I post tomorrow.

  2. O and P says:

    Just leaning back and enjoying
    B enhayon’s M alnourished W isdom
    in difficulties at the moment here in Germany. Greetings to Goon-Audi-bar and VWolongbar, where they sell their Merc-handise.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh my lord! $30 for an hours walking. Surely noone would pay that??? I love that they just add it on. It’s like how apple, samsung etc have built in obsolescence. UM has built in obsolescence and just calls in sub branches. Unbelievable, that the true “son of god” charges so much money for everything he teaches. Please if you are thinking about joining in on these courses don’t do it. They mention Jesus alot, and say he was an ascended master, do they not realise Jesus never charged for what he taught. There will soon be a sub sub branch of crawling. Seriously!!

    • Mark B. says:

      Sure. I’m on your side regarding UM. Won’t make it about how contradictory it is laughing about UM’s Jesus version whilst the one of the bible is true(?)
      Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence isn’t just something UM has to be measured by.
      However, I’m tired of it, never lead to anything constructive.

      • Esther says:

        Okay yes thank you commenters, but I really don’t want this kicking off into one of those threads where we get a few essays pontificating on religion. Whatever your belief or non belief I think we can all agree UM is a scam. The problem isn’t their loony beliefs. I don’t care if UMers believe their guru was catapulted from the 6th dimension to snap up property in GoonAudibah. The problem is false advertising, bogus and life threatening healing claims, exploitation, predation, bullying and fraud – actively harming people.

        The problem with buying into a religious debate about it is they misrepresent serious objections as ‘persecution’. The religious marketing is a smokescreen. Strictly. So please Anon, no more comparisons with Jesus. They don’t help.

        I did appreciate your comment on Esoteric Crawling however. Very nice. The services might regress all the way back to Esoteric neanderthal at this rate.

      • Anonymous says:

        My point wasn’t about comparisons to Jesus and Serge, it was purely that UM is a business and operates under a business model not as a religion. Serge charges for everything he does.

        • Anonymous says:


          There may be a radical difference is the ethical concept of ‘WWJD’ what would Jesus do? (be compassionate, care about others?), when compared to ‘WWSD’? (hide, run vendettas, exploit others?).

          That ethical concept is more about civility and respect, not religion.

    • Anon says:

      $30 for a slow motion, indoor walking therapy group, bargain! Clutching my heart in excitement … visualising the audi / VW / merc traffic jams, UMers elbowing their way in from the car park…

      How about an indoor dish washing therapy group? Or european car polishing therapy group? Knitting or toilet cleaning therapy group?

    • Anonymous says:

      I can see their defence of this, but you would spend that much on coffee.
      Show me any other organisation that charges 30 dollars to walk around a room?
      It seems this guy can invent something out of the blue, claim an ancient hirachy has channeled it to him and then he can charge for it because special knowledge is contained within.
      What part of that doesn’t scream cult?

  4. boris66 says:

    At the rate they walk I’d say 2 laps at best in the hour.
    It’s like watching paint dry.
    Next album from not so glorious music…………Walk Album Volume 1

  5. YPLAC says:

    This cracked me up – addressed to Twitter handle @YPLAC (You park like a c*nt)

    Anyone we know?

  6. Katrina and the slaves says:

    I’m walking in Serge line ….WOW!
    I’m walking in Serge line ….WOW!
    I’m walking in Serge line ….WOW!
    And dont it feel good
    Alright now
    And dont it feel good
    I’ll pay it I’ll pay it I’ll pay it again now
    And dont it feel good

  7. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ says:

    Ay oh whey oh ay oh whey oh
    Walk like a Benhayon
    Walk like a Benhayon
    If any of the plebs turn up and pay for this its proof they’ve finally lost it
    Left, right, left, right
    The walking dead……heads
    Im running a course in “get up of your knees, take your foot out of your mouth and run as fast as you can”
    Bargain price $15

  8. boris66 says:

    He told me to
    walk this way, talk this way.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I love the part where they basically say initially one session per person but later say repeat sessions available.
    This caters perfectly to the repeat attendance mentality that most of the students possess.
    And the carpooling, give them a clap for trying.

  10. 🌋 says:

    I see there is too much porn again in Bali
    Evidenced by the eruption of Mt Agung
    Will they never learn to listen to Serge

  11. Update says:

    Post is updated with the first successful candidate for the Unimed Livingness party, and some questions about consent for Esoteric breast groping.

    Some friends have been wondering what the attraction is for the high proportion of lesbians among Serge’s subscribers. What do they see in following this bloke with his bizarre ideas about women? Perhaps it’s more obvious than we wanted to think. It’s a grope-for-all.

    • Anonymous says:

      But Serge wouldn’t understand the concept of lesbianism. As he’s homo-ignorant or in homo-denial as he believes lesbians and gays can’t make love only have unpleasant loveless sex. Isn’t it the case that in Serge’s world, one can only make love if they have heterosexual penetration in the same way that he does, one partner with a penis like his, and the other partner with Serge approved ovaries and vaginal walls?

      He teaches a very queer-unfreindly version of consensual romance!

      • Esther says:

        oh yes? would you care to elaborate? I must have missed something – it could be my hetero goggles.

        I know he preaches ‘sex is energetic rape‘ and that his followers should ‘make love’, and that ‘love has no emotion’ because ’emotions are the cause of all disease’… And he goes on and on about everyone ‘connecting‘ with women’s cervixes – because that’s where their sacredness is…

        God knows what he tells gay men. I know he has the blokes wallowing in uterus envy and fantasizing about manstruation. Can you point me to something – so to speak?

  12. pranicattack says:

    With reference to the Norfolk crew of smiling ‘practitioners’ if some of them have any relevant health qualification (other than EPA) then I must be a heart surgeon.

    Let’s not also forget that on the council front in UK both Simon Williams and Michael Nicholsons
    new daughter in law (Australian – Hannah Morden http://www.campaignbrief.com/2010/03/communications-council-farewel.html ) both appear to be on the Frome chamber of commerce where simon is president ( https://fromechamber.com/who-we-are/. ) I believe awards have even been won for Hannah’s Living DNA business with David Nicholson – whilst it must be a succesful busines it smacks of copy Aus!

    These lot ( https://www.williamsharris.co.uk/our-team ) check out SW profile are now running workshops – “Discuss and do” http://www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/next-discuss-event-numbers-mean/
    Seemingly with the backing of all local councils. UM Numerology??

  13. pranicattack says:

    https://medicineandsergebenhayon.com/2016/02/13/dementia-what-is-really-going-on/comment-page-6/ Try this one too. Hubby Michael Chater often blogs on UM sites. He runs bluebird carehome in Norwich. Working with and visiting elderly people.

    • MacReady says:

      “Could it be that our choice to be unaware of what is truly going on in our own lives and bodies builds up until it impacts our mental capacity?

      Could it be that, for some of us, we have become so far removed from our real truth that we are now lost in a lie?”

      Bwahahahaha! Oh, the irony.

    • "Could it be..." says:

      I don’t think for myself.

  14. Lord of Form says:

    A complete Serge regurg. Nothing original. Speaking of dementia… a totally lost mind.

  15. Olga Andigor says:

    The number of comments under each post there, even about dreams and taking the “Soultrain”, is ridiculous. Patting each other on the back for pipe dreams. Who reads this PR anyway other than themselves and people with way too much time?

  16. To whom it may concern says:

    Your `tweet´ about Bentinho Massaro cult tells a similar story again.
    What is it about those guys repeatedly claiming to be the highest evolved master ever on the whole planet, even higher than (insert highly adored human/myth)? They should really have a meeting yelling at each other: “NO, I AM THE GREATEST!”

  17. OMG PLEASE NAME & SHAME for Public Protection. says:

    “From the Sydney ‘practitioner’ responsible for the photo at the top of the page, here’s another.
    For now I’ve opted to blur her head, but I’m in two minds about outing this person. If you have an opinion on it, put it in the comments.
    That hand position isn’t Esoteric Breast Massage, it’s ‘Sacred Esoteric Healing’.”

  18. Olga Andigor says:

    I´ve read the “About” section on her Website. Going deep into people´s heads without medical qualification is something I couldn´t tolerate, but outing her would be a Roman Emperor thumb down action. Not clear about this either.

    • Deceptive pseudonym says:

      I’m not clear about it yet either.

      She can’t be too bright – and I pity her for that.

      On the other hand, how many people is she touching up? Or exploiting with bogus healing and toxic beliefs?

      You’re all awfully quiet – update coming soon. Brace thyselves.

  19. Hmmm says:


    Re: Universal medicine
    Posted by: essay ()
    Date: December 01, 2017 08:27PM

    Sorry once again no PM’s.

    Q…Why would the Benhayon’s buy – for cash – above market value – 12 houses in one street and then try and push out the other residents?

    Options: Reply•Quote
    Re: Universal medicine
    Posted by: essay ()
    Date: December 02, 2017 12:09AM

    AND Yes Serge does proclaim that Wolf Whistles directed at you, is just one of the many ways you get breast cancer!

    • Esther says:

      12 houses in one street? Which street?

      Hello Hmmmm, do you notice that no one has ever published that claim on any of my blogs?

      I looked at ‘Essay’s posts. They’re having a lengthy one way conversation with themself. If they posted that comment here I’d ask them to substantiate it. Did they do a title search?

      Treat as bullshit unless proven otherwise.

  20. Update says:

    I’ve updated briefly at top of post. Team UM are taking me to a costs enforcement hearing in Brisbane on Tuesday. They’ve got this bent idea that I have money somewhere. With no evidence. They also believe Serge got a promo to the sixth dimension in the past few years.

    In other news, the continuing Scientology exposé is beginning to show very serious longstanding risks to children.

    It’s a good thing Scientology is finally being outed, but my question is why has this taken so long, and why is it that even long term researchers, journalists etc. are so slow to pick up on sexual abuse and other risks to kids? How have they missed the obvious signs? https://tonyortega.org/2017/11/28/ugh-we-just-found-a-troubling-l-ron-hubbard-scientology-lecture-about-little-boys-and-sex/

    It’s a bit like this Weinstein shit fight all of a sudden. The revelations about Savile – who raped hundreds of children, including kids in hospital did not get the level of press or media outrage that the Hollywood scandal has. Five years of the child abuse royal commission and non of Australia’s professional media feminists had a word to say about it. But now they’re all over Don Burke – starting a revolution over one high profile predator. Too bad about the thousands before him.

    What is it? Are people blinkered? Are they gutless? Why don’t people stand up for their own kids? Why don’t more people stand up for all kids?

    • Subvert injustice says:

      Why don’t more people speak out? It’s very difficult to prove historical (especially childhood) abuse: Usually the most vulnerable were targetted. Many are rendered so damaged by the abuse they are too unwell, anxious, fearful and powerless to speak out.

      Severe childhood trauma usually leads to complex post traumatic stress syndrome, including a detrimental impact on the developing brain. Severely traumatized children are less likely to complete schooling and develop good communication skills to articulate what happened to them.

      Those who muster the courage to speak out are often disbelieved and / or silenced through blame, shame, threats and fear. They may be ostracized and alienated from their family /community. Authorities such as police / detectives are usually unsupportive due to “lack of evidence”.

      The few who make it to court are further brutalized by a gruelling, sometimes humiliating court process where a prejudiced / divided jury dictates the outcome.

      It’s only when strong, courageous, capable, articulate, respected, outraged adults speak out that authorities are pressured to acknowledge and act. This emboldens and empowers the more vulnerable, silenced victims.Those who witnessed, enabled and complicit in the abuse are also obliged to speak out.

      Whistle blowers in the work place reporting predatory and bullying behaviour are also often viewed / portrayed as attention or compensation seeking, personality disordered trouble makers. It’s risky to speak out as it may render them unemployable.

      They require the strength, intelligence, determination and courage of Esther to persevere and be vindicated.

      (I suspect predatory men seek out positions of power in the priesthood, parliament, police, health professions, Hollywood, cults, etc for the above, complex psychological, social and systemic protections afforded them).

  21. pranicattack says:

    Who is essay 0 ? Posted here by Hmmm.

    I have now read their comments over the last year or so on the cult education forum which seems to have been abandoned since all appear to now use Esther’s sites.. Could it be someone who has not managed to find Esther, or is it someone known to us? Whoever it is they seem to have a good insight to UM.. and who is Peter Foster? Am I just being thick?

  22. This is not an update says:

    Very quickly – I’m busy catching up with some folk and general housekeeping etc. – we had a costs enforcement hearing yesterday – I owe Queensland plaintiffs about $20k for an application I lost in February. I can’t pay – I don’t have money to pay. They’re getting courts to enforce the court order which will has a few more procedural steps. It won’t affect the defences – it’s just a lot of stuffing about.

    No time to go over yesterday’s outing here, but I will post all about it. It was UM at its most Esoteric. Don’t freak, I will update soon.

  23. Is this a pseudonym Charlie? says:

    And thanks for your witty and thoughtful comments all. Keep reading – this yarn will only get weirder. And nastier.

  24. boris66 says:

    Seemed to be a big turn out at the UM Cold Storage Facility today (no wonder they walk slow).

    Lots of cars in the carpark this morning for a bit more Sacred Esoteric Healing & quite a few leaving this afternoon (with $850.00 missing from their wallets after 3 days of “restoring fire to life”).
    Hope the traffic management plans were in place & the car pooling was a hoot.

    Would be interesting to sit out there & take a head/car count for one of these shows.

    Local audi population seems to be breeding like rabbits.

    Last count was 9 with one particularly annoying one………….especially at 5:15 in the morning. I think its a dark coloured sportback. Maybe an S3.

    These guys need to realise that not everyone gets up at 3am.

    • Esther says:

      ooooh, that is interesting. So they’ve started throwing the healing workshops at CONverys Lane?

      I see that the study UM website says ‘Location Available Upon Registration’ and ‘PLEASE NOTE: Venue details will be provided upon confirmation of booking.’ https://study.universalmedicine.com.au/civicrm/event/info?id=537&reset=1

      Why the secrecy Serge? Charles? What are you trying to hide?

      Serge was sighted in a dark blue A3 not long ago, driven by Rebecca Asquith and a couple of anorexic male minders in the back.

      Now, everyone, I’m running behind with the update so keep thy shirts on. Basically Charlie got a free kick in court the other day – I can’t pay costs order – I have no money, so it was Charlie the hologram’s big moment to cross examine the troll on her empty bank accounts. And what a searing display of forensic prowess it was, with the Eso peanut gallery salivating, touching themselves and taking notes as he nitpicked over how I could possibly still be standing up to their bullshit four years into the UM FACTS team’s organised harassment. They just refuse to believe I’m not intimidated and that they look like anything less than a bunch of ghoulish arseholes.

      The way they were carrying on in the court room it was like they’d won something. They haven’t.

      But they got more than they should have. I shall explain soon.

      • boris66 says:

        Might head out there for a head / car count this weekend & see how the traffic management plan stacks up.

        I’d be interested to see the diversity (or lack) of car models at hand as well.

        I had better get the telephoto out & avoid the minders.

        • Truth will prevail. Own what you are UMer's says:

          Go Bro! boris66……..
          Go Pro!
          Get the telephoto out & avoid the minders.

          Anyway UM & $B won’t be bothered at all as they have NOTHING at all to hide.
          They are full of light etc etc etc and love etc etc and booby rubs and SO MUCH honesty and transparency…….etc…………… blah blah AND truth blah blah. in this so pranic world
          ….how do they cope?

          Ballina Council and Government Co’s etc etc are SO interested themselves.

          See you there in the environs boris66…… perhaps?

        • Big Brother 👁 says:

          If you point your telephoto you might find Alan’s pointing back at u.

          Everyone’s a photographer in UM – keeping their eye on each other.

        • boris66 says:

          Own an audi…own a camera

        • boris66 says:

          You won’t see me………………………

  25. Abgasskandal says:

    Interesting their attitude of superiority. Makes it even more pathetic.
    Don´t they know how power-full the LOF are?
    Audi – all about looks and image plus manipulation and scam behind closed doors. They´ve chosen wisely.

  26. Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja says:

    Your telephoto will run hot the coming weekend. There is so much to cover… And please remember, kids, bring your own lunch and means of hydration.

    (You can edit the following list out, if it´s too longwinded)

    UniMed Saturday 16th December 2017

    Registration commences from 9am

    True Movement

    TIME :: 10am – 11am (NSW Daylight Saving time) | Registration begins 1hr before start

    Lunch Break

    TIME :: 11am – 12pm (NSW Daylight Saving time)

    The Way of The Livingness Presentation

    TIME :: 12pm – 1.30pm (NSW Daylight Saving time) | Registration 1/2 hr before start

    UniMed Saturday Presentations

    TIME :: 1:45pm – 4:30pm (NSW Daylight Saving time) | Registration 10 minutes before
    Investment: $20 incl. GST

    Presentations will then be followed by the
    Annual Student’s Celebratory Dinner and Concert

    Shared Community Dinner

    TIME :: 4:30pm – 5:45pm (NSW Daylight Saving time)

    **Roast lamb will be provided by Universal Medicine.
    Please bring gluten & dairy free side dishes and also salads to share
    along with drinks of your choice**

    Please label all dishes with a full list of ingredients.

    Concert and Celebratory Dance

    TIME :: 6pm – 7.00pm (NSW Daylight Saving time)

    Sunday 17th December –

    Expression & Presentation Workshop

    ‘Expression is everything’ is not just an esoteric fact it is a Universal Science. As such, and if truly understood, one will know that true expression or ‘expressing one’s divine truth’ is great medicine, not only for the physical body, the being expressing it, but also for the purpose of our overall evolution.

    DATE :: Sunday 17th December

    TIME :: 10am – 3pm (NSW Daylight Saving time)
    NOTE: Registration is from 9:00am – 9:50am

    INVESTMENT: $75 (incl. GST) | BOOK HERE

    Please bring your own lunch and means of hydration.

    Thank you.

    With Love,
    The Universal Medicine Team

    • biris66 says:

      They dance?…………….omg………..love to see that……………I’d walk faster.

    • boris66 says:

      I love that term………………”Investment”.

      Makes it seem like there will be a glorious rate of return on your money.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Please label all dishes with a list of ingredients”. Why? WTF do they think is in there? Strychnine and LSD? We all know it will be the usual tasteless gruel so why bother? I once read Gordon Ramsey used to delight cooking veggie meals with meat stock in them. Unethical, perhaps, but many was the time I also enjoyed a nice pasta sauce with some parmesan grated in for flavor, cooked just for me but that my all seeing ex decided to sample unbeknown to me later on. And they always report back how delicious it was. Seems like their ‘feelings’ radar when it comes to food is wonky at best, and like everyone else, when presented with good food, regardless of the dogmatic diet they normally adhere to, there’s not denying how good it is. And unsurprisingly none of the terrible things they claim as a result of eating diary happened.
      Get over yourselves you bunch of bogans. Most of you have a drawer of candy bars hidden away and love to sink your chompers in to a good lump of cheese when you cult buddies aren’t watching!

      • Olga Andigor says:

        I´d give the explanation, was invited to an esoteric wedding once with the same request, but it´d be just the same mumbo-jumbo we all know better than we want to.
        Piroschka secretly ate Nutella, bread and croissants, I ingested honey pure, cold-processed of course, like a maniac to enjoy some sweetness.
        Plus, one has to cook day in, day out. Pranic people around cook the wrong food in the wrong energy, thus take food to every occasion (birthday, Christmas, Easter, just normal lunch with parents, everywhere you spend time and have to eat). Tupperware loved us.

  27. Another hearing tomorrow 🙄 says:

    Qld plaintiffs have called another hearing tomorrow – another searing cross examination by Charlie about my empty bank accounts and to find out who has donated to my defence fund.

    I will have to appear in court again probably before UM’s charmless entourage. They’ve called me to hearing knowing my barrister is not available to appear for me. I will be unrepresented.

    I haven’t finished writing the post about that, but unfortunately I was ordered by the court last week to give over my financial statements that include names of everyone who has donated to defence.

    We objected but did not succeed. UM now has the names of all the donors – I think it’s about 115 people – but difficult to tell how many because some of you used pseudonyms or remained anon.

    I’m very sorry about this and I was hoping to get a post up sooner, but I was busy filing for bankruptcy.

    I don’t know why I’m being called back to court tomorrow. I complied with the summons. As far as I’m concerned another cross examination will not make any difference to the registrar’s determination of how to enforce the costs order. He can order me to pay in instalments or issue an order that would basically send me bankrupt anyway. As soon as the bankruptcy takes affect, probably within a few days, the plaintiffs will not be able to continue legal action to enforce payment of the debt. The hearing tomorrow is a waste of time and money.

    The debt will be covered by the bankruptcy and my financial affairs will be in the hands of the AFSA appointed bankruptcy trustee.

    For now I have suspended fundraising until I am able to get some clear information from the trustee on donations.

    Bankruptcy prevents people from continuing certain legal actions – commercial litigation and the like, but not defamation. My lawyers in both NSW and Qld assure me it does not prevent me from defending defamation actions.

    I will update soon. Again, my apologies. I’m unhappy about UM getting hold of my list of donors and I feel terrible about it.

    • Anonymous says:

      So if your donors are harassed or named on any Unimed sites, that’s misusing information gained in a court case.
      If this happens I would contend that they are doing just what they are pre empting you will do with information you will gain. And as you pointed out that is contempt of court.
      One wonders what they will do with this list, perhaps scan it for former students?

      • Olga Andigor says:

        Loving gossip and self-centred as they are, of course will they scan it for former students. We can feel UM´s long distance energy healing here in Russia, so much love, it´s unbearable.

  28. pranicattack says:

    Don’t worry about the names Esther, we have donated because we are all concerned about the same people who have made you bankrupt. Those who will be sitting in court with you tomorrow trying to get blood out of a stone.
    I hope they don’t think that this will enable them to get out of the court action which they started. You have more than earned the right to see them in court next year. A win in the defamation case would hopefully see your costs refunded and I would imagine a considerable compensation!
    I hope sense will prevail as after the case ends you should be more than able to pay off any debts. The rotters are only trying to prevent the inevitable, which is that this is going to cost them a lot of their students investments.
    Maybe you could counter with a request for a list of names of all those who have donated to Serge’s funds. I’m sure it would make an interesting read …

    Good luck tomorrow and don’t let them get you down – Keep fighting 🙂 xx

  29. yoda says:

    Celebrate Christmas do UMers?

    • Olga Andigor says:

      Too smary pants for that they are. The only ones knowing, “Jesus” wasn´t born on 24th of Dec. Don´t want to start the Jesus/religion subject again, but even a cleric from within the Vatican stated, that it´s just made up in Bill Maher´s “Religulous”. More?:

    • Olga Andigor says:

      Okay, okay, here´s the clip of B. M. interviewing a priest in front of the vatican. Can´t help myself, it´s too hilarious:

  30. Keep your shirts on ducklings says:

    Thanks everyone for understanding.

    I’ll update about today’s hearing soon.

    It went okay. UM got nowhere, but it was the blind old stab at supposition I expected it would be. Wilson whining on with a lot of irrelevant questions, time wasting, irrationality, illogic and attempts at trying to stand over me. Scrabbling around trying to find ways to discredit me and trying to find out who my contacts are.

    I argued at start of hearing today’s cross examination would achieve nothing. At the end I argued that I was right. Registrar agreed.

    The outing was pointless, fruitless, stupid, money grubbing and opportunistic. Like everything else UM does.

    But the Esos ponce around as if they’ve won something. In their minds they found me guilty of –
    wait for it – communicating with detractors! And *gasp* raising funds for something other than glorifying Serge.

    • Truth will prevail says:

      It will be interesting to see if UM breaches court confidentiality: those on “the list” will know by increased hostility / cold vibes.

      Sadly UM is likely to see contibutors as deceptive traitors and bitter detractors. Little do they realise that actually probably most, if not all, dearly love their UM friends and family. However there are valid reasons to support Esther through her unfair, power imbalanced plight:

      1. To support freedom of speech, accountability and the ability to call out questionable, possibly predatory practices of all organisations / individuals. (Otherwise those exploiting vulnerable people whether due to trauma, in terminal stages of illness or in blind trust, will continue getting away with it).

      2. To support a forum for those who have been shunned / rejected by close UM friends & family, to vent their sadness and concerns.

      3. To provide a forum for ex-UMers to reveal their experiences, heal, laugh and warn others.

      4. To expose what’s concealed and raise insightful questions, so current and potential UMers can make informed decisions. (If UM is all is love & light, it has nothing to fear! Truth will prevail. If UMers are leaving in droves, it is likely because Esther has increased awareness /opened eyes, by disclosing facts / impressions which can be verified).

      5. There is no other safe way to explore issues: UM won’t allow innocent, valid questions and concerns on their multitude of sites, white washing and air brushing the truth (ie deception). If UM allowed open and honest discussion, this situation with Esther wouldn’t have esacalated the way it has.

      6. To point out and laugh at discrepancies. (eg UM promotes “expression from the inner most” however look out when you express something they dont like! 😨).

      7. Fear. We aren’t allowed to honestly communicate and express what we would like towards loved ones. Fear of offence, pushing them away, further rejection or as Esther is experiencing, extreme, life changing repercussions.

      The above are some reasons I can think of why those on “the list” can hold their head high. Knowing they are supporting what they believe is valid, right and true, out of love (not hate).

  31. pranic attack says:

    Shirts on and awaiting details 🙂

    Hope that means that they get to pay for that little excursion then …
    Looks like you may have got them a bit worried …
    As said before I think you should be given access to a list of all the donators to the fund of Serge – only fair especially if they have nothing to hide!

    • Scrooge says:

      I think the list would probably read exactly the same as the list of UM drones on the naming names page, plus a few other half wits who were conned in to donating to a multi-millionaires legal fund. How the hell they think it’s money well spent is beyond me.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Clearly being able to sing (or write a song) is not a prerequisite for esoteric enlightenment. Great to see the ladies doing such a great job as onstage props. Driving feminism back 40 or so years. Good one, UM.

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